LandReveal API

LandReveal API

Welcome to the LandReveal API. Find below all endpoints with their required query parameters and schema. If you have any questions, please use the contact info below.
Contact Info: [email protected]
LandReveal 2024. All rights reserved.


For access, you will need your API key. You should include this as a header with key 'x-api-key' and corresponding value as your API key.


[ Jump to Models ]

Table of Contents






get /catchment/geological-runoff-potential
Retrieve geological runoff potential data (catchmentGeologicalRunoffPotentialGet)
This endpoint returns the dominant geological runoff potential per catchment.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "perc_high" : 43,
    "dom" : "Low",
    "perc_mod" : 8,
    "perc_low" : 48,
    "worst" : "High",
    "mncat_name" : "Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams",
    "worst_desc" : "Rapid overland flow into rivers",
    "dom_desc" : "Low overland flows, unless ground is excessively dry or saturated"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the geological runoff potential data. GeologicalRunoffPotential


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /catchment/morphology
Retrieve morphology data (catchmentMorphologyGet)
This endpoint returns the dominant morphology per catchment.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "mncat_name" : "Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams",
    "descriptor" : "Very low to gently undulating morphology. Major alluvial tracts. Floodplains with silt and clay commonly conceal water-saturated sand and gravel, river terraces mostly formed of sand and gravel. Can include lacustrine and peat deposits locally.",
    "dom_morph" : "Lowlands"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the morphology data. Morphology


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /catchment/stability
Retrieve stability data (catchmentStabilityGet)
This endpoint returns catchment stability data.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "management_4" : "management_4",
    "behaviour_2" : "Limited sediment fill and availability; available materials largely restricted to pre-existing valley bottom sediments (terraces, alluvium, mass-movement deposits); available materials on slopes limited to soils and rock falls",
    "behaviour_3" : "Much reduced hillslope instability and sediment delivery to river systems due to limited sediment availability (due to limited occurrence of Quaternary deposits e.g. glacial deposits, river terraces)",
    "behaviour_4" : "behaviour_4",
    "description_1" : "River systems that were not glaciated during the last glaciation and are not undergoing a period of paraglacial adjustment",
    "description_2" : "Catchment has not been glaciated previously during the Quaternary",
    "behaviour_1" : "A river catchment that is generally in equilibrium with both external (e.g. climate and tectonics) and internal (e.g. geology, relief) drivers of landscape change",
    "type" : "Meta-stable River Catchments",
    "management_1" : "Fairly predictable catchment processes (scour and aggradation) under normal conditions",
    "fmp_name" : "Bristol Avon",
    "management_3" : "Reduced sediment budgets suggest rivers may be prone to more localised and widespread scouring especially in response to changes in catchment management practices (e.g. land-use, drainage, channel modification)",
    "management_2" : "Reduced sediment budgets suggest rivers may be prone to more localised and widespread scouring especially in response to high-magnitude (e.g. storms), transient events (e.g. prolonged rainfall)"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the stability data. Stability


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /catchment/surface-geology-susceptibility/average
Retrieve average-case surface geology susceptibility data (catchmentSurfaceGeologySusceptibilityAverageGet)
This endpoint returns the average-case scenario for catchment geological susceptibility, and calculates the total length of river within each catchment for each scour susceptibility class.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "dom_susc" : "Medium susceptibility",
    "mncat_name" : "Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams",
    "average_d" : "High susceptibility (12.1km);  Medium - High susceptibility (90.6km);  Medium susceptibility (849.0km);  Low - Medium susceptibility (492.4km);  Low susceptibility (71.6km);  No Data (Superficial not mapped) (0.0km)"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the average-case surface geology susceptibility data. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityAverage


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /catchment/surface-geology-susceptibility/best
Retrieve best-case surface geology susceptibility data (catchmentSurfaceGeologySusceptibilityBestGet)
This endpoint returns the best-case scenario for catchment geological susceptibility, and calculates the total length of river within each catchment for each scour susceptibility class.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "dom_susc" : "Low - Medium susceptibility",
    "best_d" : "High susceptibility (12.1km);  Medium - High susceptibility (86.4km);  Medium susceptibility (33.9km);  Low - Medium susceptibility (1289.7km);  Low susceptibility (93.6km);  No Data (Superficial not mapped) (0.0km)",
    "mncat_name" : "Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the best-case surface geology susceptibility data. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityBest


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /catchment/surface-geology-susceptibility/worst
Retrieve worst-case surface geology susceptibility data (catchmentSurfaceGeologySusceptibilityWorstGet)
This endpoint returns the worst-case scenario for catchment geological susceptibility, and calculates the total length of river within each catchment for each scour susceptibility class.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "dom_susc" : "Medium - High susceptibility",
    "mncat_name" : "Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams",
    "average_d" : "High susceptibility (16.6km);  Medium - High susceptibility (905.4km);  Medium susceptibility (24.2km);  Low - Medium susceptibility (497.8km);  Low susceptibility (71.6km);  No Data (Superficial not mapped) (0.0km)"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the worst-case surface geology susceptibility data. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityWorst


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /catchment/urban-coverage
Retrieve urban coverage data (catchmentUrbanCoverageGet)
This endpoint returns the small and large urban areas per catchment.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "nb_large" : 48,
    "area_small" : 118698000,
    "area_large" : 234202000,
    "perc_small" : 4,
    "mncat_name" : "Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams",
    "nb_small" : 418,
    "perc_large" : 8


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the urban coverage data. UrbanCoverage


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500


get /geohazards/collapsible-deposits
Retrieve collapsible deposits data (geohazardsCollapsibleDepositsGet)
This endpoint returns collapsible deposits data.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "advisory" : "Areas of localised significant rating",
    "legend" : "Low",
    "class" : 1


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the collapsible deposits data. CollapsibleDeposits


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /geohazards/compressible-ground
Retrieve compressible ground data (geohazardsCompressibleGroundGet)
This endpoint returns compressible ground data.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "advisory" : "Areas of localised significant rating",
    "legend" : "Low",
    "class" : 1


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the compressible ground data. CompressibleGround


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /geohazards/landslides
Retrieve landslides data (geohazardsLandslidesGet)
This endpoint returns landslides data.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "advisory" : "Areas of localised significant rating",
    "legend" : "Moderate",
    "class" : 2


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the landslides data. Landslides


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /geohazards/running-sand
Retrieve running sand data (geohazardsRunningSandGet)
This endpoint returns running sand data.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "advisory" : "Areas of localised significant rating",
    "legend" : "Low",
    "class" : 1


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the running sand data. RunningSand


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /geohazards/shrink-swell
Retrieve shrink swell data (geohazardsShrinkSwellGet)
This endpoint returns shrink swell data.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "advisory" : "advisory",
    "legend" : "Moderate",
    "class" : 2


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the shrink swell data. ShrinkSwell


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /geohazards/soluble-rocks
Retrieve soluble rocks data (geohazardsSolubleRocksGet)
This endpoint returns soluble rocks data.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "advisory" : "Areas of localised significant rating",
    "legend" : "Low",
    "class" : 1


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the soluble rocks data. SolubleRocks


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500


get /planning/heat-networks
Retrieve heat networks planning data (planningHeatNetworksGet)
This endpoint returns planning application details relating to existing or planned heat networks.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter
results (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 10

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "planning_applications" : [ {
      "country" : "England",
      "reference_id" : 14586,
      "county" : "Gloucestershire",
      "planning_permission_expired" : "planning_permission_expired",
      "installed_capacity" : 0.8008282,
      "heat_source" : "heat_source",
      "secretary_of_state_intervention_type" : "secretary_of_state_intervention_type",
      "backup_plant_technology" : "backup_plant_technology",
      "development_status" : "Planning Application Submitted",
      "distribution_network_length" : 5,
      "pipe_average_diameter" : 2,
      "heat_storage_exists" : true,
      "installed_generation_capacity" : 6.0274563,
      "domestic_nondomestic_mixed" : "Domestic",
      "postcode" : "postcode",
      "heat_enabled" : true,
      "primary_fuel_type" : "Gas",
      "site_name" : "Muller House - 6 Flats & 5 Houses",
      "cooling_enabled" : true,
      "operator_or_applicant" : "The George Muller Charitable Trust",
      "new_renovation_expansion" : "New",
      "planning_application_submitted" : "17/07/2023",
      "planning_application_refused" : "planning_application_refused",
      "region" : "South West",
      "customer_connection_count" : 6,
      "secretary_of_state_reference" : "secretary_of_state_reference",
      "planning_authority" : "Bristol City Council",
      "distance" : 791.6,
      "record_last_updated" : "15/08/2023",
      "third_plant_technology" : "third_plant_technology",
      "judicial_review" : "judicial_review",
      "appeal_lodged" : "appeal_lodged",
      "building_count" : 1,
      "appeal_granted" : "appeal_granted",
      "communal_district_campus" : "Communal",
      "planning_application_withdrawn" : "planning_application_withdrawn",
      "building_types" : "Residential",
      "heat_supply_temperature" : 1,
      "development_status_short" : "Application Submitted",
      "planning_application_reference" : "23/02829/F",
      "heat_storage_volume" : 5,
      "decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made" : "decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made",
      "technology_type" : "Gas Boiler",
      "address" : "Muller House And The Lodge, 7 Cotham Park, Bristol",
      "secondary_plant_technology" : "secondary_plant_technology",
      "planning_permission_granted" : "planning_permission_granted",
      "operational" : "operational",
      "under_construction" : "under_construction",
      "chp_enabled" : false,
      "appeal_reference" : "appeal_reference"
    }, {
      "country" : "England",
      "reference_id" : 14586,
      "county" : "Gloucestershire",
      "planning_permission_expired" : "planning_permission_expired",
      "installed_capacity" : 0.8008282,
      "heat_source" : "heat_source",
      "secretary_of_state_intervention_type" : "secretary_of_state_intervention_type",
      "backup_plant_technology" : "backup_plant_technology",
      "development_status" : "Planning Application Submitted",
      "distribution_network_length" : 5,
      "pipe_average_diameter" : 2,
      "heat_storage_exists" : true,
      "installed_generation_capacity" : 6.0274563,
      "domestic_nondomestic_mixed" : "Domestic",
      "postcode" : "postcode",
      "heat_enabled" : true,
      "primary_fuel_type" : "Gas",
      "site_name" : "Muller House - 6 Flats & 5 Houses",
      "cooling_enabled" : true,
      "operator_or_applicant" : "The George Muller Charitable Trust",
      "new_renovation_expansion" : "New",
      "planning_application_submitted" : "17/07/2023",
      "planning_application_refused" : "planning_application_refused",
      "region" : "South West",
      "customer_connection_count" : 6,
      "secretary_of_state_reference" : "secretary_of_state_reference",
      "planning_authority" : "Bristol City Council",
      "distance" : 791.6,
      "record_last_updated" : "15/08/2023",
      "third_plant_technology" : "third_plant_technology",
      "judicial_review" : "judicial_review",
      "appeal_lodged" : "appeal_lodged",
      "building_count" : 1,
      "appeal_granted" : "appeal_granted",
      "communal_district_campus" : "Communal",
      "planning_application_withdrawn" : "planning_application_withdrawn",
      "building_types" : "Residential",
      "heat_supply_temperature" : 1,
      "development_status_short" : "Application Submitted",
      "planning_application_reference" : "23/02829/F",
      "heat_storage_volume" : 5,
      "decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made" : "decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made",
      "technology_type" : "Gas Boiler",
      "address" : "Muller House And The Lodge, 7 Cotham Park, Bristol",
      "secondary_plant_technology" : "secondary_plant_technology",
      "planning_permission_granted" : "planning_permission_granted",
      "operational" : "operational",
      "under_construction" : "under_construction",
      "chp_enabled" : false,
      "appeal_reference" : "appeal_reference"
    } ]
  "results_count" : 10


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the heat networks planning data. HeatNetworks


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /planning/renewable-energy
Retrieve renewable energy planning data (planningRenewableEnergyGet)
This endpoint returns planning application details relating to existing or planned renewable energy.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter
results (optional)
Query Parameter — default: 10

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "planning_applications" : [ {
      "storage_type" : "storage_type",
      "planning_authority" : "Bristol City Council",
      "share_community_scheme" : true,
      "country" : "England",
      "cfd_allocation_round" : "cfd_allocation_round",
      "reference_id" : 12278,
      "cfd_capacity" : 5.637377,
      "distance" : 414.1,
      "record_last_updated" : "05/12/2022",
      "county" : "South Gloucestershire",
      "judicial_review" : "judicial_review",
      "appeal_lodged" : "appeal_lodged",
      "appeal_granted" : "appeal_granted",
      "planning_permission_expired" : "planning_permission_expired",
      "planning_application_withdrawn" : "planning_application_withdrawn",
      "installed_capacity" : 6.0274563,
      "secretary_of_state_intervention_type" : "secretary_of_state_intervention_type",
      "development_status_short" : "Application Submitted",
      "planning_application_reference" : "22/05212/F",
      "turbine_height" : 9.301444,
      "development_status" : "Planning Application Submitted",
      "fit_tariff" : 5.962134,
      "decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made" : "decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made",
      "ro_banding" : 1.4658129,
      "reapplying_new_repd_ref" : 3,
      "technology_type" : "Solar Photovoltaics",
      "address" : "All Saints Church, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol",
      "postcode" : "postcode",
      "planning_permission_granted" : "planning_permission_granted",
      "operational" : "operational",
      "storage_colocation_repd_ref_id" : 0,
      "turbine_capacity" : 2.302136,
      "turbine_count" : 7,
      "site_name" : "All Saints Church, Pembroke Road - Photovoltaic Panels",
      "solar_mounting_type" : "Roof",
      "operator_or_applicant" : "All Saints Parish Church",
      "planning_application_submitted" : "21/11/2022",
      "planning_application_refused" : "planning_application_refused",
      "under_construction" : "under_construction",
      "old_reference_id" : "old_reference_id",
      "chp_enabled" : false,
      "region" : "South West",
      "appeal_reference" : "appeal_reference",
      "secretary_of_state_reference" : "secretary_of_state_reference"
    }, {
      "storage_type" : "storage_type",
      "planning_authority" : "Bristol City Council",
      "share_community_scheme" : true,
      "country" : "England",
      "cfd_allocation_round" : "cfd_allocation_round",
      "reference_id" : 12278,
      "cfd_capacity" : 5.637377,
      "distance" : 414.1,
      "record_last_updated" : "05/12/2022",
      "county" : "South Gloucestershire",
      "judicial_review" : "judicial_review",
      "appeal_lodged" : "appeal_lodged",
      "appeal_granted" : "appeal_granted",
      "planning_permission_expired" : "planning_permission_expired",
      "planning_application_withdrawn" : "planning_application_withdrawn",
      "installed_capacity" : 6.0274563,
      "secretary_of_state_intervention_type" : "secretary_of_state_intervention_type",
      "development_status_short" : "Application Submitted",
      "planning_application_reference" : "22/05212/F",
      "turbine_height" : 9.301444,
      "development_status" : "Planning Application Submitted",
      "fit_tariff" : 5.962134,
      "decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made" : "decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made",
      "ro_banding" : 1.4658129,
      "reapplying_new_repd_ref" : 3,
      "technology_type" : "Solar Photovoltaics",
      "address" : "All Saints Church, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol",
      "postcode" : "postcode",
      "planning_permission_granted" : "planning_permission_granted",
      "operational" : "operational",
      "storage_colocation_repd_ref_id" : 0,
      "turbine_capacity" : 2.302136,
      "turbine_count" : 7,
      "site_name" : "All Saints Church, Pembroke Road - Photovoltaic Panels",
      "solar_mounting_type" : "Roof",
      "operator_or_applicant" : "All Saints Parish Church",
      "planning_application_submitted" : "21/11/2022",
      "planning_application_refused" : "planning_application_refused",
      "under_construction" : "under_construction",
      "old_reference_id" : "old_reference_id",
      "chp_enabled" : false,
      "region" : "South West",
      "appeal_reference" : "appeal_reference",
      "secretary_of_state_reference" : "secretary_of_state_reference"
    } ]
  "results_count" : 10


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the renewable energy planning data. RenewableEnergy


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500


get /bedrock
Retrieve bedrock geology data (bedrockGet)
This endpoint returns bedrock geology data for the United Kingdom.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "lex_rcs" : "TRIA-MDSS",
    "subgp_eq_d" : "subgp_eq_d",
    "min_era" : "MESOZOIC",
    "min_time_d" : "TRIASSIC",
    "gp_eq_d" : "gp_eq_d",
    "min_subper" : "min_subper",
    "min_epoch" : "min_epoch",
    "bed_eq" : "bed_eq",
    "max_subper" : "max_subper",
    "mb_eq_d" : "mb_eq_d",
    "bed_eq_d" : "bed_eq_d",
    "rank" : "NOT APPLICABLE",
    "gp_eq" : "gp_eq",
    "lex" : "TRIA",
    "lex_rcs_i" : "1239999_TRIA-MDSS",
    "max_time_y" : 248200000,
    "min_time_y" : 205700000,
    "rcs" : "MDSS",
    "min_period" : "TRIASSIC",
    "supgp_eq" : "supgp_eq",
    "supgp_eq_d" : "supgp_eq_d",
    "max_era" : "MESOZOIC",
    "rcs_x" : "MDST + SDST + SLST",
    "fm_eq_d" : "fm_eq_d",
    "max_epoch" : "max_epoch",
    "max_period" : "TRIASSIC",
    "max_time_d" : "TRIASSIC",
    "max_age" : "max_age",
    "fm_eq" : "fm_eq",
    "subgp_eq" : "subgp_eq",
    "min_eon" : "PHANEROZOIC",
    "mb_eq" : "mb_eq",
    "min_age" : "min_age",
    "max_eon" : "PHANEROZOIC"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the bedrock geology data. Bedrock


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /climate-change-clay-shrink-swell/2030
Retrieve climate change clay shrink-swell susceptibility 2030 data (climateChangeClayShrinkSwell2030Get)
This endpoint returns data relating to areas in Great Britain projected to experience the largest increases in susceptibility to subsidence by 2030. Note, therefore, that this endpoint does not service Northern Ireland.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "description" : "It is improbable that climate change will affect clay shrink-swell susceptibility and change the likelihood of ground movement, which causes subsidence.",
    "class" : "Improbable"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the 2030 shrink-swell data. ShrinkSwell2030


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /climate-change-clay-shrink-swell/2070
Retrieve climate change clay shrink-swell susceptibility 2070 data (climateChangeClayShrinkSwell2070Get)
This endpoint returns data relating to areas in Great Britain projected to experience the largest increases in susceptibility to subsidence by 2070. Note, therefore, that this endpoint does not service Northern Ireland.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "description" : "It is improbable that climate change will affect clay shrink-swell susceptibility and change the likelihood of ground movement, which causes subsidence.",
    "class" : "Improbable"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the 2070 shrink-swell data. ShrinkSwell2070


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /ecological-status
Retrieve ecological status data (ecologicalStatusGet)
This endpoint returns data relating to ecological status in Great Britain, which measures the presence of detrimental effects of land use which are harmful to biodiversity. Note, therefore, that this endpoint does not service Northern Ireland.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "ecological_status" : 0.879357118,
    "national_grid_square" : "ST67",
    "environmental_zone" : "Shallow slopes/flood plains",
    "region" : "SW England",
    "dominant_land_class" : "5e"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the ecological status data. EcologicalStatus


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /hydrogeology
Retrieve hydrogeological data (hydrogeologyGet)
This endpoint returns hydrogeological data for the United Kingdom.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "summary" : "Largely argillaceous sequence with occasional sandstones yielding less than 0.5 L/s of water that can be highly mineralised. Confines the underlying Sherwood Sandstone aquifer.",
    "character" : "Low productivity aquifer",
    "flow_mecha" : "Flow is virtually all through fractures and other discontinuities",
    "class" : "2C"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the hydrogeological data. Hydrogeology


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /national-character-area
Retrieve national character area data (nationalCharacterAreaGet)
This endpoint returns national character area data in England. Note, therefore, that this endpoint does not service Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "hotlink" : "",
    "agricultural_landscape_typology" : "Western mixed",
    "broad_landscape_typology" : "Vales and valleys",
    "national_character_area" : "Bristol, Avon Valleys and Ridges"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the national character area data. NationalCharacterArea


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /nuclear
Retrieve nuclear power station data (nuclearGet)
This endpoint returns nuclear power station data in Great Britain. Note, therefore, that this endpoint does not service Northern Ireland.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "closest_power_plant" : "Oldbury",
    "operator" : "British Nuclear Group (MAGNOX)"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the nuclear power station data. Nuclear


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /radon
Retrieve radon potential data (radonGet)
This endpoint returns data relating to the radon potential in Great Britain, defined as the estimated percentage of homes in an area above the radon action level. Note, therefore, that this endpoint does not service Northern Ireland.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "radon_affected_area" : true,
    "actual_estimated_radon_potential" : "10 <= RnP < 30",
    "england_wales_protection_required" : "Full",
    "scotland_protection_required" : "Full",
    "tile" : "ST5773",
    "class_max" : 5,
    "nominal_estimated_radon_potential" : "10-30"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the radon potential data. Radon


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /soil-parent-material
Retrieve soil parent material data (soilParentMaterialGet)
This endpoint returns data relating to soil parent material in Great Britain, a soil-science name for a weathered rock or deposit from and within which a soil has formed. Note, therefore, that this endpoint does not service Northern Ireland.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "soil_depth" : "DEEP-INTERMEDIATE",
    "soil_tex" : "SAND TO SANDY LOAM",
    "pmm_grain" : "RUDACEOUS",
    "esb_desc" : "CONGLOMERATE",
    "soil_group" : "LIGHT(SANDY) TO MEDIUM(SANDY)",
    "carb_cntnt" : "VARIABLE"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the soil parent material data. SoilParentMaterial


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500

get /substation
Retrieve substation data (substationGet)
This endpoint returns substation data in Great Britain. Note, therefore, that this endpoint does not service Northern Ireland.

Query parameters

longitude (optional)
Query Parameter
titlePostcode (optional)
Query Parameter
latitude (optional)
Query Parameter

Return type

Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "data" : {
    "voltage_high" : 33,
    "company_id" : 114389,
    "dno" : "Western Power Distribution",
    "distance" : 758.8,
    "voltage_low" : 11,
    "regional_service_area" : "South West England",
    "asset_type" : "PSS",
    "closest_substation" : "Cotham Primary",
    "substation_id" : 600869,
    "constraint_status" : "Red"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
  • application/json



A successful response with the substation data. Substation


An unsuccessful response owing to an invalid (or missing) API key provided. 401


An unsuccessful response owing to (usually) an invalid API method. 403


An unsuccessful response as the quota of your API plan has been exceeded. 429


An unsuccessful response owing to an internal server error. 500


[ Jump to Methods ]

Table of Contents

  1. 401 - 401
  2. 403 - 403
  3. 429 - 429
  4. 500 - 500
  5. Bedrock - Bedrock
  6. Bedrock_data
  7. CollapsibleDeposits - CollapsibleDeposits
  8. CollapsibleDeposits_data
  9. CompressibleGround - CompressibleGround
  10. EcologicalStatus - EcologicalStatus
  11. EcologicalStatus_data
  12. GeologicalRunoffPotential - GeologicalRunoffPotential
  13. GeologicalRunoffPotential_data
  14. HeatNetworks - HeatNetworks
  15. HeatNetworks_data
  16. HeatNetworks_data_planning_applications
  17. Hydrogeology - Hydrogeology
  18. Hydrogeology_data
  19. Landslides - Landslides
  20. Landslides_data
  21. Morphology - Morphology
  22. Morphology_data
  23. NationalCharacterArea - NationalCharacterArea
  24. NationalCharacterArea_data
  25. Nuclear - Nuclear
  26. Nuclear_data
  27. Radon - Radon
  28. Radon_data
  29. RenewableEnergy - RenewableEnergy
  30. RenewableEnergy_data
  31. RenewableEnergy_data_planning_applications
  32. RunningSand - RunningSand
  33. ShrinkSwell - ShrinkSwell
  34. ShrinkSwell2030 - ShrinkSwell2030
  35. ShrinkSwell2030_data
  36. ShrinkSwell2070 - ShrinkSwell2070
  37. ShrinkSwell_data
  38. SoilParentMaterial - SoilParentMaterial
  39. SoilParentMaterial_data
  40. SolubleRocks - SolubleRocks
  41. Stability - Stability
  42. Stability_data
  43. Substation - Substation
  44. Substation_data
  45. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityAverage - SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityAverage
  46. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityAverage_data
  47. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityBest - SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityBest
  48. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityBest_data
  49. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityWorst - SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityWorst
  50. SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityWorst_data
  51. UrbanCoverage - UrbanCoverage
  52. UrbanCoverage_data

401 - 401 Up

message (optional)
example: Invalid API key. Please provide a valid API key to access this resource.

403 - 403 Up

message (optional)
example: Invalid API method. Check the URL path.

429 - 429 Up

message (optional)
example: You have exceeded the quota provided by your API plan. Please wait before making further requests, or contact LandReveal support to upgrade your plan.

500 - 500 Up

message (optional)
example: Internal server error. Please try again later.

Bedrock_data Up

lex (optional)
String Lithostratigraphic unit code.
example: TRIA
lex_d (optional)
String Lithostratigraphic unit description.
lex_rcs (optional)
String Combined lexicon and rock classification scheme code.
example: TRIA-MDSS
rcs (optional)
String Rock classification scheme code.
example: MDSS
rcs_x (optional)
String Expanded rock classification code.
example: MDST + SDST + SLST
rcs_d (optional)
String Rock classification scheme description.
rank (optional)
String Rank or stratigraphic level.
bed_eq (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic bed code.
bed_eq_d (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic bed code description.
mb_eq (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic member code.
mb_eq_d (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic member code description.
fm_eq (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic formation code.
fm_eq_d (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic formation code description.
subgp_eq (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic subgroup code.
subgp_eq_d (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic subgroup code description.
gp_eq (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic group code.
gp_eq_d (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic group code description.
supgp_eq (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic supergroup code.
supgp_eq_d (optional)
String Equivalent stratigraphic supergroup code description.
max_time_d (optional)
String Maximum time description.
example: TRIASSIC
min_time_d (optional)
String Minimum time description.
example: TRIASSIC
max_time_y (optional)
Integer Maximum time in years.
example: 248200000
min_time_y (optional)
Integer Minimum time in years.
example: 205700000
max_age (optional)
String Maximum age.
min_age (optional)
String Minimum age.
max_epoch (optional)
String Maximum epoch.
min_epoch (optional)
String Minimum epoch.
max_subper (optional)
String Maximum subperiod.
min_subper (optional)
String Minimum subperiod.
max_period (optional)
String Maximum period.
example: TRIASSIC
min_period (optional)
String Minimum period.
example: TRIASSIC
max_era (optional)
String Maximum era.
example: MESOZOIC
min_era (optional)
String Minimum era.
example: MESOZOIC
max_eon (optional)
String Maximum eon.
min_eon (optional)
String Minimum eon.
lex_rcs_i (optional)
String Combined lexicon and rock classification scheme index.
example: 1239999_TRIA-MDSS
lex_rcs_d (optional)
String Combined lexicon and rock classification scheme description.

CollapsibleDeposits_data Up

class (optional)
example: 1
legend (optional)
example: Low
advisory (optional)
example: Areas of localised significant rating

EcologicalStatus_data Up

national_grid_square (optional)
example: ST67
dominant_land_class (optional)
example: 5e
ecological_status (optional)
Float format: float
example: 0.879357118
environmental_zone (optional)
example: Shallow slopes/flood plains
region (optional)
example: SW England

GeologicalRunoffPotential_data Up

mncat_name (optional)
String Management catchment name.
example: Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams
perc_low (optional)
Float Percentage coverage of catchment classed as low run-off potential. format: float
example: 48
perc_mod (optional)
Float Percentage coverage of catchment classed as moderate run-off potential. format: float
example: 8
perc_high (optional)
Float Percentage coverage of catchment classed as high run-off potential. format: float
example: 43
dom (optional)
String Dominant run-off class.
example: Low
dom_desc (optional)
String Description of the dominant class.
example: Low overland flows, unless ground is excessively dry or saturated
worst (optional)
String Worst-case scenario run-off class.
example: High
worst_desc (optional)
String Description of the worst-case scenario class.
example: Rapid overland flow into rivers

HeatNetworks - HeatNetworks Up

results_count (optional)
Integer The number of planning applications returned.
example: 10
data (optional)

HeatNetworks_data_planning_applications Up

reference_id (optional)
example: 14586
record_last_updated (optional)
example: 15/08/2023
operator_or_applicant (optional)
example: The George Muller Charitable Trust
site_name (optional)
example: Muller House - 6 Flats & 5 Houses
communal_district_campus (optional)
example: Communal
new_renovation_expansion (optional)
example: New
customer_connection_count (optional)
example: 6
building_count (optional)
example: 1
domestic_nondomestic_mixed (optional)
example: Domestic
building_types (optional)
example: Residential
technology_type (optional)
example: Gas Boiler
secondary_plant_technology (optional)
third_plant_technology (optional)
backup_plant_technology (optional)
installed_capacity (optional)
Float format: float
installed_generation_capacity (optional)
Float format: float
primary_fuel_type (optional)
example: Gas
heat_source (optional)
heat_supply_temperature (optional)
heat_storage_exists (optional)
heat_storage_volume (optional)
heat_enabled (optional)
example: true
cooling_enabled (optional)
chp_enabled (optional)
example: false
distribution_network_length (optional)
pipe_average_diameter (optional)
development_status (optional)
example: Planning Application Submitted
development_status_short (optional)
example: Application Submitted
address (optional)
example: Muller House And The Lodge, 7 Cotham Park, Bristol
county (optional)
example: Gloucestershire
region (optional)
example: South West
country (optional)
example: England
postcode (optional)
planning_authority (optional)
example: Bristol City Council
planning_application_reference (optional)
example: 23/02829/F
appeal_reference (optional)
secretary_of_state_reference (optional)
secretary_of_state_intervention_type (optional)
judicial_review (optional)
planning_application_submitted (optional)
example: 17/07/2023
planning_application_withdrawn (optional)
planning_application_refused (optional)
appeal_lodged (optional)
appeal_granted (optional)
planning_permission_granted (optional)
planning_permission_expired (optional)
under_construction (optional)
operational (optional)
decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made (optional)
distance (optional)
Float format: float
example: 791.6

Hydrogeology_data Up

rock_unit (optional)
class (optional)
example: 2C
character (optional)
example: Low productivity aquifer
flow_mecha (optional)
example: Flow is virtually all through fractures and other discontinuities
summary (optional)
example: Largely argillaceous sequence with occasional sandstones yielding less than 0.5 L/s of water that can be highly mineralised. Confines the underlying Sherwood Sandstone aquifer.

Landslides_data Up

class (optional)
example: 2
legend (optional)
example: Moderate
advisory (optional)
example: Areas of localised significant rating

Morphology_data Up

mncat_name (optional)
String The name of the management catchment area.
example: Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams
dom_morph (optional)
String The name of the dominant morphology type in catchment.
example: Lowlands
descriptor (optional)
String The description of the catchment morphology type.
example: Very low to gently undulating morphology. Major alluvial tracts. Floodplains with silt and clay commonly conceal water-saturated sand and gravel, river terraces mostly formed of sand and gravel. Can include lacustrine and peat deposits locally.

NationalCharacterArea_data Up

national_character_area (optional)
example: Bristol, Avon Valleys and Ridges
hotlink (optional)
agricultural_landscape_typology (optional)
example: Western mixed
broad_landscape_typology (optional)
example: Vales and valleys

Nuclear_data Up

closest_power_plant (optional)
example: Oldbury
operator (optional)
example: British Nuclear Group (MAGNOX)

Radon - Radon Up

data (optional)

Radon_data Up

tile (optional)
example: ST5773
class_max (optional)
example: 5
radon_affected_area (optional)
example: true
nominal_estimated_radon_potential (optional)
example: 10-30
actual_estimated_radon_potential (optional)
example: 10 <= RnP < 30
england_wales_protection_required (optional)
example: Full
scotland_protection_required (optional)
example: Full

RenewableEnergy - RenewableEnergy Up

results_count (optional)
Integer The number of planning applications returned.
example: 10
data (optional)

RenewableEnergy_data_planning_applications Up

reference_id (optional)
example: 12278
old_reference_id (optional)
record_last_updated (optional)
example: 05/12/2022
operator_or_applicant (optional)
example: All Saints Parish Church
site_name (optional)
example: All Saints Church, Pembroke Road - Photovoltaic Panels
technology_type (optional)
example: Solar Photovoltaics
storage_type (optional)
storage_colocation_repd_ref_id (optional)
installed_capacity (optional)
Float format: float
share_community_scheme (optional)
chp_enabled (optional)
example: false
cfd_allocation_round (optional)
ro_banding (optional)
Float format: float
fit_tariff (optional)
Float format: float
cfd_capacity (optional)
Float format: float
turbine_capacity (optional)
Float format: float
turbine_count (optional)
turbine_height (optional)
Float format: float
solar_mounting_type (optional)
example: Roof
development_status (optional)
example: Planning Application Submitted
development_status_short (optional)
example: Application Submitted
reapplying_new_repd_ref (optional)
address (optional)
example: All Saints Church, Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol
county (optional)
example: South Gloucestershire
region (optional)
example: South West
country (optional)
example: England
postcode (optional)
planning_authority (optional)
example: Bristol City Council
planning_application_reference (optional)
example: 22/05212/F
appeal_reference (optional)
secretary_of_state_reference (optional)
secretary_of_state_intervention_type (optional)
judicial_review (optional)
planning_application_submitted (optional)
example: 21/11/2022
planning_application_withdrawn (optional)
planning_application_refused (optional)
appeal_lodged (optional)
appeal_granted (optional)
planning_permission_granted (optional)
planning_permission_expired (optional)
under_construction (optional)
operational (optional)
decommissioned_abandoned_no_application_made (optional)
distance (optional)
Float format: float
example: 414.1

ShrinkSwell2030_data Up

class (optional)
example: Improbable
description (optional)
example: It is improbable that climate change will affect clay shrink-swell susceptibility and change the likelihood of ground movement, which causes subsidence.

ShrinkSwell_data Up

class (optional)
example: 2
legend (optional)
example: Moderate
advisory (optional)

SoilParentMaterial_data Up

esb_desc (optional)
carb_cntnt (optional)
example: VARIABLE
pmm_grain (optional)
example: RUDACEOUS
soil_group (optional)
soil_tex (optional)
soil_depth (optional)

Stability_data Up

fmp_name (optional)
String The name of the management catchment area.
example: Bristol Avon
type (optional)
String The name of the catchment type.
example: Meta-stable River Catchments
description_1 (optional)
String A description of the river system.
example: River systems that were not glaciated during the last glaciation and are not undergoing a period of paraglacial adjustment
description_2 (optional)
String A description of previous glaciations.
example: Catchment has not been glaciated previously during the Quaternary
behaviour_1 (optional)
String A description of typical catchment behaviours.
example: A river catchment that is generally in equilibrium with both external (e.g. climate and tectonics) and internal (e.g. geology, relief) drivers of landscape change
behaviour_2 (optional)
String A description of typical catchment behaviours (continued).
example: Limited sediment fill and availability; available materials largely restricted to pre-existing valley bottom sediments (terraces, alluvium, mass-movement deposits); available materials on slopes limited to soils and rock falls
behaviour_3 (optional)
String A description of typical catchment behaviours (continued).
example: Much reduced hillslope instability and sediment delivery to river systems due to limited sediment availability (due to limited occurrence of Quaternary deposits e.g. glacial deposits, river terraces)
behaviour_4 (optional)
String A description of typical catchment behaviours (continued).
management_1 (optional)
String A description of potential issues for management.
example: Fairly predictable catchment processes (scour and aggradation) under normal conditions
management_2 (optional)
String A description of potential issues for management (continued).
example: Reduced sediment budgets suggest rivers may be prone to more localised and widespread scouring especially in response to high-magnitude (e.g. storms), transient events (e.g. prolonged rainfall)
management_3 (optional)
String A description of potential issues for management (continued).
example: Reduced sediment budgets suggest rivers may be prone to more localised and widespread scouring especially in response to changes in catchment management practices (e.g. land-use, drainage, channel modification)
management_4 (optional)
String A description of potential issues for management (continued).

Substation_data Up

substation_id (optional)
example: 600869
company_id (optional)
example: 114389
closest_substation (optional)
example: Cotham Primary
dno (optional)
example: Western Power Distribution
regional_service_area (optional)
example: South West England
asset_type (optional)
example: PSS
voltage_high (optional)
example: 33
voltage_low (optional)
example: 11
constraint_status (optional)
example: Red
distance (optional)
Float format: float
example: 758.8

SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityAverage_data Up

mncat_name (optional)
String The name of the management catchment area.
example: Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams
dom_susc (optional)
String The dominant susceptibility of the river scour classes per catchment, i.e., the class with the longest cumulative length per catchment.
example: Medium susceptibility
average_d (optional)
String The length of rivers within each susceptibility class per catchment based on the average-case susceptibility scoring. Classes are: High susceptibility, Medium – High susceptibility, Medium susceptibility, Low – Medium susceptibility, Low susceptibility. Length provided in km.
example: High susceptibility (12.1km); Medium - High susceptibility (90.6km); Medium susceptibility (849.0km); Low - Medium susceptibility (492.4km); Low susceptibility (71.6km); No Data (Superficial not mapped) (0.0km)

SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityBest_data Up

mncat_name (optional)
String The name of the management catchment area.
example: Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams
dom_susc (optional)
String The dominant susceptibility of the river scour classes per catchment, i.e., the class with the longest cumulative length per catchment.
example: Low - Medium susceptibility
best_d (optional)
String The length of rivers within each susceptibility class per catchment based on the best-case susceptibility scoring. Classes are: High susceptibility, Medium – High susceptibility, Medium susceptibility, Low – Medium susceptibility, Low susceptibility. Length provided in km.
example: High susceptibility (12.1km); Medium - High susceptibility (86.4km); Medium susceptibility (33.9km); Low - Medium susceptibility (1289.7km); Low susceptibility (93.6km); No Data (Superficial not mapped) (0.0km)

SurfaceGeologySusceptibilityWorst_data Up

mncat_name (optional)
String The name of the management catchment area.
example: Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams
dom_susc (optional)
String The dominant susceptibility of the river scour classes per catchment, i.e., the class with the longest cumulative length per catchment.
example: Medium - High susceptibility
average_d (optional)
String The length of rivers within each susceptibility class per catchment based on the worst-case susceptibility scoring. Classes are: High susceptibility, Medium – High susceptibility, Medium susceptibility, Low – Medium susceptibility, Low susceptibility. Length provided in km.
example: High susceptibility (16.6km); Medium - High susceptibility (905.4km); Medium susceptibility (24.2km); Low - Medium susceptibility (497.8km); Low susceptibility (71.6km); No Data (Superficial not mapped) (0.0km)

UrbanCoverage_data Up

mncat_name (optional)
String Management catchment name.
example: Avon Bristol and North Somerset Streams
nb_large (optional)
Integer Total number of large urban areas within catchment.
example: 48
area_large (optional)
Float Total coverage (m^2) of large urban areas within catchment. format: float
example: 234202000
perc_large (optional)
Float Percentage coverage of large urban areas. format: float
example: 8
nb_small (optional)
Integer Total number of small urban areas within catchment.
example: 418
area_small (optional)
Float Total coverage (m^2) of small urban areas within catchment. format: float
example: 118698000
perc_small (optional)
Float Percentage coverage of small urban areas. format: float
example: 4